
14 Dec 2015

All in the interest of research of course, I have been trialing different Christmas Cocktails looking to find a signature one to serve this Christmas season.  Some have been great and some have been not so much (for my taste) but I definitely have a few options!

No recipes here, throw it all in a shaker with ice and you're good to go (although the Nespresso Martini needs an extra shake).  No clue on the calories and I don't really care, everything in moderation and all of that.
Clockwise from top left.

  • Candy Cane - let candy canes dissolve in 150ml vodka overnight - a little sweet 3.5/5
  • White Winter - very rich, could only manage a small one - 2.5/5
  • The Grinch - super sour but I love that - 4.5/5
  • Naughty or Nice - a little bitter - 2/5
  • Nespresso Martini - cold vanilla coffee basically, but yum - 4.5/5

Feeling ready for the festivities x

7 Dec 2015

Everyone loves a Curry Night!  While this one seems quite high in points (9.5) it is way way less than how many points would be in a proper creamy take-away 3 in 1.  There's also something about knowing you have cooked and counted your food, rather than called a take-away which makes you feel virtuous and the food taste better. It doesn't take too long to make and is extremely filling, although I will definitely include veg next time as it was very carbolicious!  It's also a very vibrant yellow, so avoid white fabrics.

Feeling stuffed x

6 Dec 2015

Well it has not been a great week, and while I could wheel out all the excuses in the world (work has genuinely been manic, "sure it's nearly Christmas", I've been exhausted etc.) I would just be doing myself a dis-service.  The worst part of it is that I think I had managed to maintain my 4lb week loss from week one until this weekend when I have just eaten and drank all around me, more than I even wanted!

It's kind of got me off track in many areas (the blog, decorating for Christmas, present shopping) and it always surprises me how hard it is to change your routine and be better and how easy it is to fall out of routine so quickly!

This week is another toughie in work but I will not let that be my excuse, I am making the promise to myself to have a good week in all aspects or least be able to say I tried my best.

Feeling like I need to let it go x

1 Dec 2015

I love Christmas, it really is the most wonderful time of the year and this year is going to be better than ever because - well why not try and make it better!

I intend to stay on plan (well 80% of the time) by adapting some of my favourite Christmas recipes to point friendly ones, deck the halls and the tables and the trees, shop til I drop and enjoy a well deserved sneaky cocktail or two...and I will share it all.

Feeling Festive x

30 Nov 2015

Oh Pasta how I love you but I don't think you love me the same way...

Pasta makes me bloated, I always cook and hence eat enormous portions, and worst of all pasta always tastes better with cheese!

However I have accepted that even though I know that I will never be able to give it up, it's my ultimate comfort food and we all need comfort every now and again.

I was dying for some pasta tonight but I had to be clever about it and bulk it up while also ensuring it was delicious...this recipe was super quick to throw together, gave me a really hearty portion and tasted beautifully creamy, cheesy and indulgent at only 8.5 points!

Feeling stuffed x

24 Nov 2015

On these cold dark nights there's nothing better than knowing I don't have to come home and get into cooking a weight conscious dinner! Don't get me wrong most evenings I really enjoy coming up with twists on recipes or trying to work what's left in the fridge into something tasty but sometimes I am just

Two weeks ago I did a batch cook; it took hours and there was a lot of pans to wash but my goodness have I been glad for it, especially tonight.

I cooked up 5 beef & vegetable cottage pies and 5 chicken & vegetable pies topped with mashed potatoes; they are very decent portions and they have been stored in the freezer in foil cases (€1.49 for 8 in Dealz) so I can take them out of the freezer and put straight in the oven (30 mins to heat through or 50 mins from frozen).  50 minutes might not sound that quick but if I pop it in when I come in the door by the time I am out of the shower, changed my clothes or do whatever else I need to before sitting down to relax its ready for me to enjoy.

They are also 7.5 points each, so when I add my free veg it is a very healthy, satisfying meal!  Must remember to make a note of the recipes next time though.

Feeling Winter Warm x
As I have shared my mix and match weight loss plan I also want to share the tips and tricks that are keeping me on track now and hopefully going forward...

I would be lost without my 'iTrackbites' app!  I use it programmed to 'Classic' mode and it has a built in calculator (I use European).  It's fantastic for when I am out and about for calculating points, particularly when I am doing grocery shopping.  

It also has a fantastic tracker which allows me to track everything that I eat in one place during the day.  I can also track the points I have saved for he week and while it saves all the history it resets every week after weigh-in day (which you set yourself).

Finally, it also has a favourites list that you can continually add to which means its a full list of all the items that you eat in one place - so handy.

 It's a fantastic app, not sure the cost because I bought it a while ago but think it was only a couple of euro.  To be honest I would pay alot more for it if I had to because it makes tracking so unbelievably easy.

Feeling APPlied x

22 Nov 2015

It's a week since I started this blog and set myself the challenge of getting out of my my rut by reaching a few goals - I may have been a bit ambitious (or maybe I just didn't try hard enough), however I already feel in a much better place this week than I did last week!

1. Exercise for 30 minutes at least 3 times this week
Ehhh this one didn't go so well as in I didn't actually do any exercise this week, I could say Storm Barney kept me indoors but that's a poor excuse - major fail!

2. Start reading a new book
I have stared Jane Green's 'Summer Secrets', only a couple of chapters in but enjoyed stopping in Costa yesterday and reading for a while while watching the world go by.

3. Eat my 5 a day everyday
Nailed this one - had at least 5 portions of fruit & veg everyday and feel the better for it already!

4. Cook a delicious, healthy meal from scratch
My Chilli was great and fed me for 3 nights before the other half went in the freezer for future weeks.  I also made much more of an effort with snacks and breakfast and  brought my lunch to work with me everyday.  I have eaten really well all week, enjoyed every meal and feel so much better knowing I am in control of what goes into my body rather than feeling like my cravings control me! (although there is no doubt it costs more to eat well)

5. Take a photo that captures a moment
My iPhone camera is on the fritz which has made this one harder but taking photos of my food for this blog has really made me make a conscious effort to make food that not only tastes great but looks it also!

6. Start writing my Christmas lists!
Started my list and also my shopping - I have 2 presents bought already!

7. Clean my make-up brushes
I didn't actually get around to cleaning my brushes...but I did do a big clear out of my dressing table drawers and my wardrobe amassing 2 black sacks for the bin and one bag for the charity shop!

All in all 5.5/7 ain't bad and as I said I feel motivated again and can feel my energy levels picking up already, onwards and upwards!

Feeling pumped x

21 Nov 2015

Saturday night watching X factor deserves munchies...

Served with Cajun Wedges, Carrot Batons & Veggie Spring Rolls (with soy & sweet chilli dipping sauce) – all for only 11 points (and there’s no way you’ll eat even half the dip on your own).
I found these great Spring Rolls in the frozen section of Tesco and they are only .6 old points eat so very reasonable and yummy!

Feeling Relaxed x

Let me explain my weight loss plan a little, as I should have from the start...

Through plenty of attempts (I have tried them all), I decided to do my own version mixing elements of two of the bigger plans that I have a lot of time and respect for; Weight Watchers Discover Plan and Slimming World.

To many it may seem a little hap-hazard but for me it works and at the end of the day isn't that what matters?

Weight Watchers Discover Plan:
This is one of the older plans from WW but I had a lot of success with it back then and have always reverted to it when I need to cut-down. I like that I can eat whatever I like as long as I am prepared to spend the points and that I can calculate the points on anything I have the nutritional value for.
I don't agree with pointing most fruits & vegetables because it can discourage you from eating them to keep points for other less nutritious foods.

Slimming World:
I think the concept of having a 1/3 of all meals be super free fruits and vegetables is really positive and healthy.  
I don't feel that the unlimited amounts of carbs (in my case pasta) really worked for me - obviously I know it based on the 1/3 rule but I just found myself eating enormous portions, I need to weigh.

My Version: 
I count points (21 per day and I try to save at least 4 a day for the weekend).  
I do not count points for fruit or vegetables.
I do not count activity points.
I have my own weekly weigh-in every Wednesday morning - I'll let you now how I get on!

Its not scientific and it may not make sense to anybody else but as I said I am doing this for me so as long as it works for me and my body I will keep going!

Feeling empowered x